If you’ve read my previous posts and (thus) know I have a limited number of days available to cycle, I have concluded that I do not have enough of them to cramp everything I want to climb into those.
I also do not want to waste a lot of time on car transfers, so I’m prioritizing the Maurienne valley climbs.
This is the fourth post on those but I may rethink / redesign my stages when we are in Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne…
At any rate, this post is about two climbs out of Saint-Étienne-de-Cuines / La Chambre, but I will probably start at our doorstep.
At the start of the climb up the Glandon, there’s another road leading up the l’Arche
However, Google calls this the “Route Forestière du Mont Cuchet” and I fear this may well be another “Frumezan“.
The “alternative climb” of the Madeleine, with a fork to Lac de la Grande Léchère looks a lot better.
I would be concluding the stage with the remainder of the Madeleine and the (fast) descent back to La Chambre.
Or, if I skip L’Arche and start in La Chambre, I might tackle the Col du Grand Cucheron from Saint-Pierre-de-Belleville instead.
Near Aiguebelle – more or less the end of the valley – there are a couple of climbs left and/or worth a visit, but as stated, I do not have enough stages to cover those.
I now have four in the valley, one “revenge” from Moutiers and the “Dauphiné stage”, both requiring travel, leaving me with the prologue and epilogue.
The Joux Plane will have to be in one of those, if I want to climb that, but it’s a long drive there either way.
It may have to be saved for another time, renting an apartment closer to the area, as there are a ton of other climbs in the Haute-Savoie I’d like to get on the list…
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