A warming up with a twist
I had not planned a real stage, as I was not sure about our time of arrival. I had seen a loop that looked attractive – it would avoid the main road to Aime, by going uphill from the start, towards Valezan.
Between Valezan and La Côte-d’Aime it started to rain – drizzling at first, but pouring after a while. However, this stopped before I passed Granier on the way down to Aime.
When I got to Aime, Paula accidentally lead the (short) way home over the N90, but we returned and headed back towards Macôt as intended.
I had planned to follow the D220 to Landry and then circle back to Bellentre, but when I passed the roundabout with the ‘La Plagne‘ sign, I couldn’t help myself…
As I remembered my 2012 climb up to La Plagne all too well, I could not resist the urge to get up there again. Back then, I was recovering from a bad crash and although I liked the climb itself, it was a real struggle.
The climb was pretty much as I remembered – it may not be the one with the best views, but you do pass the site of the Olympic bobsleigh event (Winter Olympics of 1992 in Albertville).
In Aime La Plagne it was as deserted as it was back then. But this time, it was cold and it had started to rain again, so I did not descend by bike…
Trip: 46.5 km / 1,786 m elevation gain (Garmin).