The Bike Rebel(s)

As the offspring of a bunch of spinning (RPM) fanatics, The Bike Rebels called themselves Spin Doctors at first.

After they bought hybrid “ATB” bicycles by the end of 2003, they expanded their activities – much like the mob – into the outside world.

Despite the much enjoyed activities they undertook together, the group fell apart after a while…

Since that time, Robert and his beloved Paula keep the legend alive, especially Robert’s half-witted alter ego Cyclopaat1, the ultimate Bike Rebel

After ravaging the south of the Netherlands, the Ardennes and the Eifel, he wandered off into the high mountains in South-Eastern Germany (Berchtesgaden), Italy, Austria, Switzerland and France for some serious mountain climbing vacations…

He also participated in the Alpe d’HuZes challenge in 2012 – a fund raising event to help cancer research, climbing the alp several times in one day – and obtained the “Cinglé du Mont Ventoux” and the “Brevet des 7 Cols de l’Ubaye”.

In retrospect, it probably all was a midlife crisis that went horribly wrong 🙂

1 Cyclopaat is the nickname he carries like a badge of honor. It’s actually a contraption of the words cyclosportive and psychopath (or sociopath – he was in doubt about that). The Dutch words are ‘psychopaat’ and ‘sociopaat’, hence it’s Cyclopaat instead of Cyclopath…