Today’s stage started near our doorstep, with a 12-kilometer climb.
While that was already a daring adventure, it was nothing compared to the next col on the list.
That would bring me to almost 2,000 meters, with a stunning view at the summit.
It all but finished me off…
The Col des Cyclotouristes is by no means an easy climb for me.
But, I mostly cycled in the shadow(s) as the sun was still on the other side of the mountain range.
Quiet climb traffic-wise, but I did get into a quarrel with a couple of loud-mouthed crows 😂
Once past the Fort, the road deteriorates, but not in the way it’s deteriorated on the other end.
Not a fun descent, but I made it…
I then headed for Beaufort to tackle the Col du Joly – I probably shouldn’t have.
A scorching sun, a mostly wide-open landscape and grades that are uncomfortable for me any day.
More so on a day like this – the 9th stage in this Tour was probably telling me I was about to break.
However, stupid does as stupid is, so after a good lunch – omelet and fries, coupe Col du Joly for dessert – I was all new again.
Not really, but as a descent was next on the menu, that realization didn’t kick in until I was a few kilometers in on the next climb.
Little did I know – perhaps studying a map will help – that the climb up to Bisanne, aiming for the Signal the Bisanne, is sharing the road up to Saisies with the climb by that name.
I do not have fond memories of it, having cycled it in 2014, the best memory being seeing the pros dash by in their Dauphiné stage, so I would have picked an alternative for the Signal de Bisanne.
Not that any alternative would not have wrecked me too, but still…
By now I was just hanging on by a thread, but as the friendly Dutch guy I met – randonneur extraordinair – told me I would make it, I obviously had to continue.
Nevertheless, I was happy to find that the last 2 kilometers at 10% are closed to motorized traffic.
Paula could not follow me and as I felt I was about to crack and topple over, I called it a day.
I did not even descend back by bike to Villard-sur-Doron as there was real chance I would crash…
Total for today: 77.6 kilometers and 3,063 meters of D+ – Paula has put me on notice.